Poems / Excerpts

Poems / Excerpts

Best Lines
- "replaces the sepia, pacific, opiate placeholder of mimi & jin yong’s love" - "the difficulty of one of six new diverse, celebrates the friendly, violent surrendor" - "the internal combustion of dead evergreens" - "the land that once held the capital spectacular becomes dire, imperative" - "The hotfix resolves the misbehavior of songbirds, the glitch
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Lossless | Prose Poems
replaces the sepia, pacific, opiate placeholder of mimi & jin yong’s love
with the best new available version of love that includes the violence & cataclysmic stakes of every romantic or platonic engagement option
the difficulty of one of six new diverse, celebrates the friendly, violent surrendor
that defines
of the ten free new prophecies violent surrender, overthrow
more recognizable to users human  promote the equal, ubiquitous, simultaneous excerpts that celebrate each unique new journey as ungovernable pain machine
i.e.: infatuation  need to  unsuppressed  intended for survivors an unsuppressed  desire to   the internal combustion of dead evergreens
transferred insvisibly the performance of pain  campaign against errors begins as streams & notifications of an image intolerable loss terrorism of . The ubiquity of motivational  centered around elimination of words like gain overlapping social circles professional  last of our seeds and genetic material that describe how to make livestock disappeares in a bright diminishing brightness that represents the thrust of a rocket. the land that once held the capital  spectacular becomes dire, imperative—its realization in the ponds of the cybernetic eye. The business of simulating the courthouse,
the apse, the rose windows—
Preoccupied by the frantic labor
of survival, an exhausted & increasingly reclusive populace
Its vigilant & reclusive populace, otherwise +preoccupied
Prepare yourself for the season frantic,   work of survival continues
a spectacular performance of unsustainable love
the tireless recreation of prayers
recorded in dead, [unknowable] languages.
overlooks the widespread revival of traditional ballad forms.
The capital floods. The toll of summertime raids. I organizing dinner
after dinner around atomized roe.
I watch a cow get wedged in the crotch of a southern live oak,
I watch a cow get devoured in stages by a nonnative species.
Citizens obliterated by suborbital strikes
populate the neighborhoods where our fathers learned
to violently overact in the colorless gloam.
I think I am looking at you when I ask
do you see how this looks
Patch Notes
The hotfix resolves the misbehavior
of songbirds, the glitchy blind stork
stumbling confused in the murk.
The reports of what breaks in this form
include: summertime (loping, manifold, opal)
suspended on the folds of our tongues like peach pits.
Platforming birdlife throughout the featureless landscape
Installing another conspiracy of midnight, of waxwings, of the violent reduction
of familiar landmarks to ash.
The glorious worldwide engine
of the republic glimmers in the distance—
Information within our lossless system at worst redistributed,
not destroyed.
Another season retrieving wildflowers & fissile materials. Not unlike the purple tongue
coiled in our mouth like a cornered adder, songbirds negotiate a roiling tourmaline wind
famous for the prevalence of ghosts
& the widespread erosion of language:
The reason I spent lifetimes
rebuilding the capital
after years spent establishing meager shelters,
struggling with small snares—
obliterated by missiles
describing perfect arcs
approaching incremental detonation.
choose your signs
elect your emissaries,
attend the revivals of traditional hymns
descending light becomes brightest
at the exact point of termination
After rapid expansion of fissures
Rapidly extending                                                                             Z like a predator by the undergrowth,
Before the
of icecaps                   of chinquapins
I am a colorless figure steaming,
Frozen   blue meltwater
wiggling pink digits tingling signals of gradual thaw.
I continue the frantic, absurd work of survival
Fumbling to tie the trap
Fumble to find each other in the intractable darkness                  here beneath the canopy
Fumble to find  a reason to continue this endeavor
A lifetime        establishing meager shelters  struggling with small snares
practicing to take inventory of the monsters hidden in the verdure
sick again from that same fruit                    its lovely color                       its bitter citric taste—
I manifest lemongrass & hyacinths—verdure reclaims the printed city. I nap in the depressions left by shelling. I read about a mystics & the clergy  in its transmission through the membrane of the leaves suspended   above me, light changes. I wait for my garden fruitlessly. I'm here watching the interaction of animals perhaps divinity somehow devolved
to appear somehow bewildered &
stumbling out of the tangled brush confused
In the form of the dove
In the form of an image like the above
in order to make this language tolerable, and, perhaps, even appealing
prior to our absolute annihilation
Some drones drope propaganda insiting the republic ____ while others reduce the new fireteam to a particulate matter
.  reduce me to unincorporated territory. with fissile material
various domestic pursuits become many, several, few
possibilities of a constant reconfiguration of yourself
by obliteration
mortars reduce our home to particulate matter that discolors your uniform
victors ignite their prisoners & pile them in pockmarked alleyways
I once admired
with the effort it requires to
recall me to you at all during my absences.
The  of ash. I feel the taught thrum of my pomegranate heart in my throat.
Images sit the cannonball core of dense purple thought.
the smooth depression
At the base of the skull overflows with images of the shelling
long labors of the taxed bodies
of the diminished world
unknowingly trampling rare [verdure] we stake unverified claims
grace & horror of each new return from expeditions
bound to falter in these weird hours populated by minor patrons of the undiscovered, future phenomena.
envious of faith in the future reconstituted versions of ourselves.
creates remarkably effective prayers Ephemera of the body retrieved from its sunken middle:
Voice—frantic bleating throat
the sea foam preserved by the mechanism of the eddy, of love
baffled by the missions our parents began
Every day, we open our hatches, leave our shells with purpose, vanish into the wilderness
The numbness now includes for tinder
illuminates the small single-level office of our souls
reflected by this adder coiled & boreal dieback
i think i am looking at you when i ask
do you see how this looks
return of dead  on breeze
we develop shelters in the cavernous pit of ourself, aware of territories so much deeper than
constellations of moments
woven a weft we warp with life
idle milk white moonlit
suspended on the tourmaline recirculating body
rumors spreading
of animal life returning to the continent.
This practice requires each of us leaving
private dark places
myth & prophecy held in the survivors
humming folds of the throat
I am tarnished brass of the obliterated                               scattered stellar astral light
Pooling in natural depressions                                              brightest at my terminal point
Not only  featured in recurring dreams—the ubiquitous
murky booted murderers approaches
subjectt increasing pressure of turbines
evaporates into the the world I’ve made
Your population shares many qualities
with my own.
do people amount to anything
more than the amount of time
seeking a particular smooth, perfect  agate
on the shore of a great lake—
intolerant to water
above the ankle or the crotch or the heart—
our ability or inability to attend math, my preoccupation with Milton in anticipation of blindness.
you burning x sole illumination / heat  in the scrubland
astral light pools in the depressions left in the base of my tongue by your footfall
the honeysuckle dissolves on the nape of a young prophet
who reads a loose page he found on the beachhead.
A discharge of concentrated light
transforms the last squadron into steaming violet residue.
meaningful predilection for violet
the early stages of predation
me to fulvous particulate matter
(frothy pink staining the courthouse)
before onlookers       in formalwear transfixed by  concussive blasts  &         sudden obliteration
before the seamless transfer of wildfire inland before memories of wintertime
before forgetting
of minor recreational arguments
concerning the reappearance of
invasive knapweed    stinging nettles          feral puppies
Minor patron saints in the backyard—
complaints like: whoever you did or did not
invite               for dinner
I keep expectations
for the [meal] high.
how     if you make it
whatever we have
will be simply lovely
Dayton Noontime
Prophecy of the survivor purple yellow subcutaneous ribbons of color like sunset retrieved from its sunken middle:
A memory purples the walls of beating pomegranate core of my mind               cannonball dense
Another evening [ ] the capital city: Perfusion of dimness              drooping figures pursuing the quiet sublimity of a domestic lives            bound to falter in these weird hours
Voice—frantic bleating throat
Silence gradually pools in the smooth depression
At the base of the skull                                 left after the shelling
Every day, I rededicate myself to maintaining a raft of images
Rediscovered in the flotsam, the sea foam preserved by the mechanism of the eddy, of love
Framed pictures, evidence of the obliterated capital
long labors of the taxed bodies
baffled by the missions our parents began
Every day, we open our hatches, leave our shells with purpose, vanish into the wilderness
Fumble for tinder
Fumble for each other in the intractable darkness                        here beneath the canopy
Fumble for reasons to continue this endeavor
This, and other abstracted description of the extinct
illuminates the small single-level office of our souls
you find yourself
conspiring in dimness
unknowingly trampling rare [verdure] we stake unverified claims
grace & horror of each new return from expeditions
survival in the extremities
of the diminished world
reflected by this adder coiled & boreal dieback
passing the dead evocative of you;             young, principled                  annihilated by unexpected force
passing onlookers     in formalwear             transfixed by        concussive blasts                   &         sudden obliteration
Regrets Of The Executed / extinct minor roles, thoughts on death at death
[Memories of]/[Resurrection]/[Preservation][The surrender of [the brasserie] at noontime]                         & other lesser miracles
prior to our absolute annihilation   [ transformed by necessary death ]
[These and other thoughts occur to me betrayed by my body. losing sensation In the trunk and distal.]
John approaches his extinction easily, wearing an uncinched terry cloth robe, sipping occasionally from a burnt medium roast.
The countless other John—— crowds of millions of lesser unnamed (unrecognized) saints ——unafflicted by frustration
patrons of undiscovered, forgotten, & future phenomena—
it is midweek already            the dead I captured in stills from theiyou capture the young dead form
you retrieve film from puddles
footage of a televised campaign commences with a distressing phrase
¬  We believed that features of the natural world would retain their integral form
Moisture corrupts the atlas.  Landmasses curl & tear .
Image acquire an unimpeachable realness—
footage of depopulation campaigns bathing                      their prophet in irradiant, sodic springs
adjacent a defunct nuclear plant
of the descending signal flare                      casting identical light on both your cheeks
& municipalities ruined by missiles
along the expanding waterfront       extruders erect new mansions
images of the last iceberg                              melting in a congenial warmth
seismic activity                      continental rending   canted badlands             disrupted migrations snowmelt floods        new depressions
capture confused birdlife
common starlings     gather most evenings                      flightless peahens          disturb the bulrush
a rookery of herons   starve in brackish tidal ponds
natural interferences              alert invasive predators                   awaiting this sign
identical splendors:
a hatchling in irregular flight
a house on risers burns above the sea
your figure & the courthouse
similarly discolored
skeletal & jaundiced
diminished by ordinance
sudden revival of myth             amid the deadlands                      rumors of divinity return
haunted                                     old, inconsequential vows lovers dreamt of       perversions expressed within dimness
continue watching—you have not missed anything, exactly
The state
governor endorses the rebellion  has a festival governor pardons her assassin.  of civic order dream engine    of  Elise hosts a series of dinners that feature aquatic delicacies include atomized roe, foamed samphire, & other flavors that evoke
Subdued light prevails on the boulevard of pleached as and oak and the [citizenry]. I am surprised at how successfully life is reproduced here.
The dead return their old neighborhoods with a vigor undiminished by th
gradually turns like wildflowers to sunlight
the twins Elise remains invisible to me behind the set pieces that constitute the reconstruction of the sunken, relocated capital.
Subsidized light, distributed evenly amongst the municipalities,
Sufficiently augmented, the city reappears immaculate, full of movement—the courthouse, the apse, the rafters—
Wildfire ignites in the swampland.
I am not the bullet
or the sucking, frothing pleural cavity
issuing from it.
I am a colorless figure emerging frozen
from the languid meltwater
hoping that danger will pass,
wiggling pink digits tingling signals of gradual thaw.
Disguised in the marshland
featureless  submerged, drowning
wildfire occupies the valley
suspended in the half lit purple season—
Exhausted bodies      :: forage for berries & edible insect life
in the extremities of a decapitated nation.
:: witness widespread obliteration
of familiar forms
beneath the rising violet currents.
Overlook the summertime
plunder of our diminished world.
Turning increasingly crimson.
Find me after the financial sectors lose
their detail to the mechanics of meltwater—
Murk Berm
I built a new version of mom
by declaring her preference for Clinique, Linda Ronstadt, & an unsent postcard featuring a picture
meant to flush memories from the channels of the mind .  “ “ on X st, and a playlist entitled Unnamed in her library (specific).
Time pools in the murky in small depressions near the sternum. The overgrowth concealed the wildfire I considered trampled. What else spreads beneath our perception: cancer,
Pain pierces through me nowhere like light. The choir master at the cathedral of the Brimming Spirit overjoyed to discover a Soprano. Trivia of another seemingly infinite summer.
Watch her lose on the [apse] her balance, her place, her voice, her mind. A disturbance in the brush revealed to startled peahen. Soul weighted dragging to snag in the thickets of splendor & error.
Harpoon Barbs
The earth floats on the celestial ocean pouring into a bowl made from the core of a [tree] . I surrender to the current as the footage instructed. Strand me in the tropics. Of the physical qualities in everything, buoyancy.
The viewership blessed national syndicated season obsession with survival instinct. The violent marriage with the titanic bloodline. I make smoke signals lose their shape in the cloudless sky.    Signals with the mirror.
Deposit me on a strange shore. I collect mouthfuls of springtime raindrops —the season demands  of wildflowers. I edit the sunset to appear more intense. My body turns red and radiate heat. I am constantly vomiting.
We act like an arc, inspired by myths of arcs everything from our time on earth close our diminishing knowledge of lilacs violet & .
Hope becomes one burning black dinghy
caught on your roiling tourmaline surface.
The machinery of childhood playtime solidifies in backyards across Dayton. into its distillate, horrifying shapes — fragile, twig-like birds
treehouse before disease of the beech
We have a tremendous view of new horrors
Celebrating incredible success that somehow simply became inevitable, available to us & then ejected us into peripheral roles             into another hard summer of intoxicants
of betting on the outcome of warfare                   imperceptibly nearer, now
I found the monster, it drags me away in fits fitfully from play. I found the mortar       feeling when my father conspired with shadow forces            muttering       mood changing          losing sensation in the trunk
Reports that read like fiction                        grasslands consumed by wildfire      deluding the citizenry with manipulating light                               the last icecap melted                       ten years ago today  & the floods killed millions                           look beyond your walls
We tear it up to use in place of \
if things truly great    why does the unceasing brightness & cloudless sky seem to drop shiver & collapse upon itself             velvet curtain glimpse landscape as it truly is                    dying colorfully
our company has prepared for this bit with the field                     retreating tactically to pillboxes past mines hidden in the verdure                       how young they look            infantry of youth             some on horseback shoot at a gallop                      explode when they interrupt the beam
soon we’ll abandon the bench & cannonball you’re your infinity pool     encouraging you to jump in when you’ve just showered             you stay clean & dry guiding servicemen   to         the table
diminished only by the sight of the actual lake fluctuating ominously past the transparent dome pinked with the incalculable quantities of industrial shavings, of taconite boats overturned in the first rupture, the eventual appearance of a multiplied seafront confirming the obliteration of the
I turn you down, I am enthralled by rigorous fighting  / losing money insufflating tranquilizers   evening ubiquity breeze night turning out empty pockets   with dinner approaching on the deck                                     performative fuss over with whatever delicacies the chef prepared            invisible figure revealed by brief explosion           of distant ordinance              disappearing momentarily              your graceful reassume corporeal             interrupts/light                                 stellar casts long light see that exact kind of shadow swaying       movement that indicates game in the grassland                                          firing depending on the articulated silhouette
Contents [5/31/2022 6:10am][06/30/2022]
The images issue us crisp declaratives
Languishing in the summertime
The halflit crook of your arm
suspended in the exhalation of an afternoon
lasting ten thousand years
If the story occurs at dusk,
keep it at dusk.
Bandages across the love & life lines of your bruised palm
Exposure of the wound to sunlight & dampness
What to avoid or pursue
when we are wounded
Paraselene / moondog [12:26pm June 29, 2022]
The handheld cannot determine our position. The relay sent you my coordinates, even if they have not changed for months—even as conditions prevent significant movement.
Nothing on earth can tell me where I am in relation to you.
06, 06, 06m
06, 06, 06m
06, 06, 06m
06, 06, 06m
Change or no, I opt to always
share sensitive information to you.
Moondog. I.  [12:30pm June 29, 2022 {deadline tomorrow} ]
Pain is a signal like wildfire
in the understory is a signal.
Will I be relegated to an acceptable, forgettable volume of immense density. Will I be kept alive by the idle gaze extended to us on the page by whoever opens us, maybe to stay warm or to finish a cornerstone project. How will their brightness shine in toward us? Opiate-like warm fuzz that broaches a trend of worry. How will you find me shivering?
It is a little past noon & I’ve barely moved from the moment I sat down. I am constipated in Nassau. I am constipated in Missoula. There is a hound that follows me down the coastline
Allowing no distance to come between us. I said earlier that I dislike narrative poetry because it is selfish & self-obsessed: inward driven. I also dislike it because I am an addiction who’s mostly unhappy with the broad summary of my life, unless I am the one summarizing it.
I keep a little checklist in the canyon. Big sun until the curled edged pages begin to wrinkle and dry across the otherwise unblemished desert. How the sun interprets  the page as it appears to us laid out across the landscape.
Moondog. II.  [12:48pm June 29, 2022 {deadline tomorrow} ]
Wednesday. Tan is frustrated by her opponent opposite her on the court.
I did not originally recognize pain as itself or feelings related to pain. I refer you to the relay I sent yesterday that includes a routine log of information & my exact location. Please rescue me using whatever means possible is my request.
Moondog. III.  [1pm June 29, 2022 | 0-2mg [1mg] {deadline tomorrow} ]
I know exact coordinates of the approaching truck.  I start to feel more optimism re: the annihilation of my hometown. Whatever it represents lingers & is pulled forward by time, intolerant of its absence.
The vehicle stops outside the pillbox & four masked men jump out. I am a part of this with you as well. How does the republic intend for me to proceed.  I repeat: i am a part of whatever form energy takes in your world & I will be confined to its resemblance.
Moondog. IV.   1:01pm June 29, 2022 | 0-2mg [1mg + kratom] {deadline tomorrow}
I am included within the lines
Forming outside the impromptu temple. We follow the lines closely
As if tracing them with our fingertips
& five minutes later leads to a table armored vehicle     detachment infiltrates the pacifists within it.
Movement from one indistinguishable interior to another.
Startled to recognize in the wild your face as separate from others I recognize surrounding / hanging
from the capital during their initiation. What knowledge remains available to me as borders evaporate around us and despite our protestations we are pulled absolutely everywhere.
Moondog. V. —  1:21pm June 29, 2022 | 0-2mg [1mg + kratom] {deadline tomorrow} —
Swears firsthand witness local myths of dim milk  moonshine   flooding the valley
Molasses moorland
wildfire occupies the valley.
suspended in the half lit purple season—
Exhausted bodies     :: forage for berries & edible insect life
in the extremities of a decapitated nation.
:: witness widespread obliteration
of familiar forms
featureless drowned submerged
beneath the rising violet currents.
Overlook the summertime
plunder of our diminished world.
Overlook smoke issuing
from marshland
as it turns increasingly crimson.
Find me after the financial sectors lose
their detail to the mechanics of meltwater—
I am not the bumper crops
or their senseless ignition
I am not the bullet
or the sucking, frothing pleural cavity
issuing from it.
I am not the reflexive coordinated movement of flowers to sunlight
or the light descending.
I am a colorless figure emerging frozen
from the languid meltwater
hoping that danger will pass,
wiggling pink tingling digits reluctantly thawing.
Of a viewing party hosted by our chief in the penthouse
In another version of the republic glimmers in the distance \
projected atop the skeletal ruins
]reduced by ordinance to\\ a fine ash.  of the Poythress building, which he’s occupied
I sufficiently augment my appearance
hoping to avoid the type of intimacy that leaves me hollow & fetal in the violet dawn. I accept intoxicants glittering & effervescing in their various vials, flutes & cordials.
Our orders have change—we’re going to invade Dayton, a city who fought alongside us against incursions made by Detroit.  the rooftop nightly stream of murders and murderers roving the ruins.
We watch the spent the summer watching from a distance, Mimi says. That thought suspends & returns within me like a dust residue suspended in the center of my mind like a current of dust glimpsed in light.
I spend the remainder of the morning pretending to sleep report to the municipal center where volunteers distribute uniforms with patches that indicate
adjustments to certain allegiances. I pick my kit and rifle off a rack. I consider the grit of volunteers whose fill magazines, picking from piles of bullets dumped by unmanned vehicle. This is the general agitation that precedes inevitably futile action.
After a certain interval, after spectacular demonstrations of violence, combat becomes indistinguishable from peace. Orders require us to establish an arbitrary line that allows (1) appropriate defense from enemy incursion on our flank & (2) a perfect point from which to witness the obliteration of another minor city.
Cheering is considered most essential to the promotion of general moral, so our company cheers whenever an unmanned vehicle annihilates another portion of the city, but, internally, we picture a population of the dead
Returned from the battlefield, examined at the clinic confirms my exposure to materials in a prevailing wind that render me sterile and explain the headaches.
I am reassigned to an island that I did not know we’d invaded. I am at the railing either watching the extruders reprint a financial district with precision or peering seaward expressing profound disappointment with the administration of things
The first day, I weave branches into a windbreak. I watch the failed rescue of a driverless tank stuck in a strategic trench. I watch the treads pointlessly fling cover specialized amphibian squad.
& the viscous froth issuing from them
amid survivors in obliterated lands attribute to a malevolent divinity
beneath the buoyant head and extremities of founders of the federation.
praised by indistinguishable statesmen as beautiful expressions of law::demonstrations of the rights available to us—apparently ignorant to the melted
embedded with survivors traversing the wetland condemned by the private thought
that god misunderstands my true nature
[. Crowding her students labor to recreate memories of the old landmarks, prior to their annihilation.]
Is there any mode of expression more efficacious than
an aerosolized chemicals that rainfall lethally /
I am not a warrior,
That feeling
upon entering is not dissimilar to recollections of my time on patrol:
my fireteam enters a clearing, distraught that each disturbance of the grass
suggests immanent predation.
I meet the ambassador
aboard hwhere we’re attending an opening week of celebrations. the reconstruction of the sunken, relocated capital.
Subdued light prevails on the boulevard of pleached as and oak and the [citizenry]. I am surprised at how successfully life is reproduced here.
Actors cast as the dead, citizens obliterated by suborbital strikes I myself oversaw, populate old neighborhoods with a vigor undiminished by my pointed inquiries.
Sufficiently augmented, the city appears immaculate, full of movement—the courthouse, the apse, the rafters—...sufficiently augmented with projections,
Throughout dinner a dinner of atomized roe, Elise remains invisible to me behind the cornstalks. I sip a porcini butter-rinsed scotch
a pause for a brief evening stream commemorating
the shelling that demanded the removal of the governing bodies, the loss of the first island state, and increasing, during which, in bad faith, I thi9nk of my actual relatives
A postprandial stroll takes us to the memorial gift shop, the contents of which include the [original] courthouse, reduced by the prevailing, alchemical winds to smooth collectible [ pieces / scraps ]
an ambassador of the sinking capital reviews that worship of the nameless gods has revived on the tideland
Distracted from        the diminished metropolitan district a mere black archipelago
its vertebral antennae breach roiling pink headwaters of the newly formed sea
he approaches me on the replicated [  alleyway lamplight,]. Guilford ushers partygoers to the aft dining installment—a miniature, curated meadowland meant to evoke the unspoiled Midwest with its beiges and aphids.
The impending lightlessness and |
a fulvous rising ocean
manifests as dampness (wetness) on our cuffs
Recollected in idle moments, like this—amplified by virtual overlay—
the Republic continues undiminished though perhaps in a form more diffuse.
Remember entire sectors of the newly ratified district crumbling as the tideland begins its infinite inland expansion, wetting even the hems of sundresses in a summer that all forecasts described as pleasantly warm.
Poem IV [direct copy/paste from older work]{2/21/2022}
I watch a cow get wedged in the crotch of a southern live oak,
and I watch a cow get devoured in stages by a nonnative species.
The hooded assemblage arranges kindling in a pattern—
Remember entire sectors of the newly ratified district crumbling as the tideland begins its infinite inland expansion, wetting even the hems of sundresses in a summer that all forecasts described as pleasantly warm.
a lone guard smokes, stranded on the outpost rooftop—
his tears increase the rising tourmaline sea
gone is the controversial exhibiton statue the rounded nude of [indistinguishable] origin
the diminished metropolitan district a mere black archipelago
its vertebral antennae breach unpopulated headwaters
the downfall of the superstore, its subdued light and oppressive, pristine aisles—hat spanned irrelevant era towards the fanciful pointless occupations of the public
the particulate matter of various failed industries troubles the windward contingent
starving, the surviving populace begins its slow slide towards obliteration with the reintroduction of traditional ballad forms.
widespread extinction of the familiar substituted by its  ideal planar form
tumultuous expanses of water first manifesting9 as spillage over the floodwall
fireteam spreading out in a formation that perfectly conveys their violent inclinations
the fact confronts me: information within our closed system is disrupted, but not destroyed
noontime in the capital—an absence of sunlight & the descent of absolute silence;
these phenomena manifest                         so gradually               a vigilant & reclusive populace
preoccupied with the frantic work of survival
fails to notice
A wintertime payload reduced the stables to a resinous powder that blemished the whitewash when the winds picked up.
Again, it’s a bad time to be in the harbor, where nothing is safe, and most things are volatile.
Hollis demonstrates even dead our colleagues can be positioned to standing so that from thirty feet they appear threatening.
Having survived the summertime raids,
Hollis and I the return to the locus of remarkable sights:
In the congenial warmth of the southern district, the bits of ice melt as if in resignation
the expanded, pristine waterfront is to be enjoyed, and how rarely patrols bother to use live ammunition
Hollis 9reclaimed the stables. [ ] the earth opened up Because The buildings had been built to adjust,
Afterward, he put Watson’s essential part barehanded in a loaded spring trap.
Peripherally, the immense application of human effort results in many bellies perforated and split disgustingly.
Abandoned corpses hung embarrassed on the livestock fence, adjacent to corpses of clearly a higher rank & patronage.
During a short armistice, I met the lithe neighbor girl. She told me that I had fallen for the useless sentimentalism of the neo-pastoral mode.
卌|                   {2/21/2022}
When that last iceberg appeared on the boulevard,
Elise held an series of exquisite [end of the world] parties in our penthouse. [me then, past][elise dying me leaving
Young men arrived in blousons, courting only
the women who exhibit
a significant quality of drunkenness.
If the upbeat newsreader is not buffering, he is reassuring us
that the flooding may, momentarily, conclude—
insentient in the surrounds, a few men
dribbled on the calfskin
Season of linen and
increasing hypnotic abuse
one counting the shuffle of feet that shuffle endlessly past his  deeply at the fee
—that perhaps drowning is pleasantest, and more natural than the hypnotic output, which, blessedly, has doubled since the oceanic erasure halved the habitable land of the nation.
9sanctioned memory hour commences proceeds sleep
Assuming a posture of apparent repose I watch the discolored tide [ ] and then  [ ] the courthouse.
I watched the , producing Generally, , and [ family] feeling, mostly happiness.
s intended to simulate contentment.
In the populace, a latent aversion to death is eradicated.
annihilation in translation :: recorded in lost, irretrievable languages
In the congenial warmth of the southern district,
the bits of ice melt as if in half resignation are
Him diminutive, his figure on the spit, sunbathing, and, when I return alone his impression preserved on the bank
[This is a rich symbolic finding so I upload it]
the eroding capital in abandons surrenders to the sublimity of the roiling pacific waters
卌|| {7} vacation poem [wartime / feeling wartime]                    {2/21/2022}
Our hull brightens the otherwise dilapidated Des Moines harbor.
The ambassador of the sinking capital remains invisible to me behind cornstalks. She reports that worship of the nameless gods has revived on the tideland.
I attributed the rise in our numbers to infrasound; [targeted marketing; ] and, of course, a tactful dispersal of gasmasks to the children most severely affected by the windswept, unbreathable dust.
A folder of pertinent images appears on my node:
The hooded assemblage arranges kindling in a pattern— a heretic lashed to a post serves as a fine watermark.
Along the western fault, shortage is replaced by abundance;
the drought releases the community into the persistent water [ ]
The metadata registered exponential increases in attendees’ galvanic skin response whenever she utters the phrase: natural features retain their inherit geometries
卌:| [8] (Returning to Me)
Imagine a version the unrelenting horrible marshland stripped of its odious qualities;
in place of the sulfur & bog is a excellently designed cityscape.
the application of its violence and its overwhelming stillness that greets us like an unidentifiable fruit in the field. Fire suspended fueled by the fundamental elements of the remaining houses.
Seeking warmth amid endless rows of buildings that absorb it. Sidewalks multiple stories of indiscriminately piled / deposited organic matter. Overwhelming spectacle of its simple existence, corrosive upsetting mechanism.
On an alchemical wind whistles through
apertures in metal remnants  :: pockmarks :: dented :: perverted by repetitious concussive assault into their current forms
perhaps in all of its complexity: [x,y,zzzz] it somehow devolved
to appear somehow bewildered &
stumbling out of the tangled brush surprising
In the form of the dove
Poem | {02/24/2022}(23,24-28)
Borders, retreat from trauma/grief
Entertainment consists of watching the loyalists shell the slums blindly. Mark how precisely the production of violence reduces familiar landmarks to dust.
Futile pursuit of safety
within the ashen, fetal skeletal remnants of the former municipal buildings
roofs aflame.
Juniper does not want to leave the house. She hears in the settling ruins voices of the same dead gods who transformed the financial quarter into the crimson particulate matter that sweat carries across my body in rivulets [pours into me/permeates me]
Our silent, tearful observation of a day of the spectacular catastrophe:
The midday consumption of diminutive figures waving on the spit :: sandbar
by a wave as purple as the interior of the soldiers we pass piled around the barricades.
Juniper reminds me that of the varieties of dying, drowning is perhaps most pleasant :: more dignified than overdosing on hypnotics, or self-mutilation, and more sublime/epiphanic
In night defined by cascades of ordinance & detenation throughout the wasteland I listen to her explain the perpetual soul theory as it had been taught to her for placement in an system of education obliterate by espionage & rocketry.
Projectors deliver The particulars of the exterior world are delivered to us in the lounge by projectors; astral bodies are reduced to a purely symbolic quantity.
While first watch becomes second watch, I am frozen in apparent repose transfixed by the irradiated discolored tidal erosion of the landmarks surrounding the capitol
Alarms in the city sound in unison
& without obvious provocation
missiles begin to leave their silos
Difficulty of Birds 9:17pm [creative writing/anything goes]
Measuring the ability of birds to sense incoming attacks. Defenses we resort to after the obliteration of our conventional measures/means.
does it matter, how i appear &
to what extent? do they care when?
i have a gummed up messy interior mechanism -- information
my doctor absorbs with a distant nod.
The significance of the drones dropping little tubes full of a material that only reacts to invisible light
is explained by the drones whose payload falls in areas where they've accumulated.
We begin madly sweeping the streets. Turning off lights. It is about erasure of evidence of our gradual diminishment. We intended to make death invisible.
I continue my experiments with birdlife. Consider their coloring and noise
contradiction to the reports of our extinction.
I catch myself watching a dozen tvs through a dozen windows relaying footage
shot from an adjacent rooftop :: of the town burning
what do the birds tell me
POEM 11 (difficulty with seawater)
industrial solvents collect in calm pacific depths transfer flame describe the ocean as anything but  catalyzed by a moist waveform movement of roiling oceanwater agglutinate layer its   tourmaline sea one day its surface ignites a house on stilts occupied by an entomologist suddenly faced with death leaping up doglike to greet him
POEM 12 [small excerpt]
As solar winds strip the magnetosphere, distorting footage
lost during summertime     raids
of an increasingly erratic behavior of the climate—footage
of floodwall sealant, gaskets millimeters industrial adhesive
sensitive instruments detects moisture in the adhesive               ­
of widespread porousness of minor pockets / clefts everywhere
I manifest grass & hyacinths--verdure returns to the enormous printed city. I take long naps in the depressions left by shelling. I read about the conduct of saints & the politics of sainthood. Note that even in its transmission through the membrane of the leaves suspended on thick boughs above me, light changes. I wait for my garden fruitlessly. I'm here watching the interaction of animals perhaps divinity somehow devolved
to appear somehow bewildered &
stumbling out of the tangled brush confused
In the form of the dove    [fix] I will continue watching the enormous extruders here to determine the number of present gods. If divine exists anywhere it is not hre. Some drones drope propaganda insiting the republic ____ while others reduce the new fireteam to a particulate matter I try to avoid.
Difficulty of Titration / Rebirth / maintaining silence in the city [2/27/2022]
The train arrives, gleaming, clinging and whole
& the depression where the central station once stood
retrieves another whole groups, units, families abandoned in a nighttime of violence and subsequent evacuations.
it departure a silence begins uninterrupted by birdsong, or minut Anyway, we do not have the papers to enter the train; we've tried foraging them, I've learnt quite a bit about the development of proper paper, and now we simply appeal to a faceless ubiquitous mechanism overwhelmed by the needs of its constituents. I write simply in the section labeled
Comments (Other): How we cannot survive like this much longer.
Outside Enumclaw, Chet begins work on a fascine that strikes the onlooker as derivative of other, actually good fascines.
The borders of conflict are labile. We fought just Tuesday alongside Iowans who now are our primary target.
I believe the engagement began after an escalation of insincere threats. The enemy uses a gas that pairs well with chicken. It’s making half of us blind.
I ask Mimi if she wants warm, emulsified egg and oil. If there is an upside to being annihilated by a remote control plane, it is being annihilated with a woman whom I’ve underw9helmed sexually.
Logic in the general camp continues unsteadily. In this period of distress, we abuse our dense, invigorating salves.
Some of us drowse in latrine bowls and others of us refine our profiles with exquisitely cropped selfies.
I am heading task force MEANINGFULLY. My crew and I aim mortars at centers of culture. The constant, stale tropes: A civilian child gives a piece of his leg to his little civilian love interest, etc.
In an operation proximal to Ephrata, we lose her to the airstrike. Huster offers condolences, but soon returns to the front.
The mornings for me become progressively glaucous. I am unsure for the reporter how to present this outcome as successful.
She spoke wistfully of a municipality that had a lake, and plastic flowers planted along its perimeter—a few that melted curiously in the spring.
She wrote longhand letters to our commander that she never sent— he was arrested in his subterranean bunker during the second week.
When I am reassigned to the frontlines, there are the bombings and I cannot sleep low enough to the ground.
POEM 16[2/27/2022]
The police manage the uprising with blind shelling in the slums. Some homebuilt drones deliver us litte parcels full of delicious spreads
while others reduce our population to ashen silhouettes of themselves.
This is the spectrum upon which we might locate the voice of divinity.
I miss the dovish era of rigorous restraint
survivors isolate & return to the pockmarked sharecrops.
This antiquated notion of suffering as something that can become familiar to us rather than increasingly relentless & mysterious—the voice of an angel.
Pain spreads through the body like a fire through the dieback. My healers tell me to think of thoughts as ephemeral little physical objects, like red balloons & mushrooms. I am advised to practice rituals that make me feel mad.  envision turning down a knob that regulates anxious feeling.
I leaf through a pamphlet I find in the blown out doorways & shattered window of an abandoned neighborhood. distressed calls interrupt the silence
Gradually overflow its pool in the smooth depression
at the base of my skull
Poem 17 [2/27/2022]
Prior to the widespread extinction of nonhuman life, A brilliant experience [brilliance depends upon]
exfoliant applied gently at the nape of the neck
the skin covered in colorful ointments that I am not meant to disturb
the substitution for reality by [controllable variables]
Entering and exiting particular trances
Poem 18 [2/27/2022]
shorebirds migrate northward                               into unfamiliar territory
abandonment of fulvous, turbulent floodwaters
in favor of brackish, glaucous floodwaters.
I write to you on these moldering pages—recently retrieved from a house on stilts burning
above the sea—hoping to diminish the distance dividing us from birdlife hoping that           you will return to me.
Poem 19 [2/27/2022]
Fellow admirers of songbirds                    pursue a rumor of the songbird/birdsong
into marshland.
Build elaborate birdhouses & de businesses that sell them
& organize volunteers that place artificial nests along the avenue of pleached ash and oak.
The hunt terminates in a [x,y,z]
Poem 20 [2/27/2022]
In certain visible spots of the abandoned, mildewed offices
that must be occupied by one always  aggressively poised man in a plate carrier with an automatic rifle. The city has maintained control of their land until this critical point.
I am communicating to you from an old terminal
I find in the ruins at the rim of the crater.  [STOPPED HERE @
I cannot begin to convey [what is in it[ to record and photograph a gridded order [indication of an organization]       a privilege no longer available to us
to rename an array of peripheral pocket parks if I cannot find their names in the basement amongst the storage
to describe the primary points of arrival and departure            tenuously established borders
transitions of such porousness and [ ]              its citizens movement from suburban to urban, waveform—
the manuscript begins                                      the whole system will inevitably assume a nearly corporeal form
transitions of such incredible speed
We meet the child of the owner in the clamshell horseshoe driveway
in front of a farmhouse maintained by farmhands who know nothing of the incoming war.
A dozen images of the family hung from the bough of one of a dozen oak trees picked randomly for the task by a private whose ruddy round features continue to haunt me.
At the point of motion in the cornfield indicates a dog, you explain delicately rotating the bulb you handle
to check its health, before burying it in new dirt.
Does displacement necessitate destruction – i.e. the pockets that collapse around
Always--I accept the glass of pulp and
Considering how I explain that the version of the Republic glimmering outside the tempered window
is a formation of concentrated light mimicking a city reduced to ash
Later I wander around the property on a rough footrail speaking to your ashes
I receive a notification will ask I asks ten questions, including:
Results from the mouthswab confirm
that the prevailing wind carries
toxic levels of industrial plastics & solvents.
Each of us carries
Erosion in our gut
& other minor epiphanies
on gusts billowing the curtains
depositing                   blots on the hardwood colored of rust or elk blood left
the flooded valley a contingent in gaiters approaches
through a miry and irrevocable dark
suffering from a desire to reduce the world
to a polished aluminum cylinder
to granular alchemical material that discolors everything I put on the line.
Pigeons roosting on the wire turned blue by the wind.
Mines hid mines amid azaleas. What remained of us them afterward was the corporeal form that did nothing but leak profusely and maintain a grimace.
Undeterred by the wolves, reappearing in hundreds
another iteration daily mother wheels my father out over the sodden furrows out to call the cows.
In this situation, the dirt still signifies pasture
[and will forever ]
father had room in his lap for  [ ] and he places this in the mud  stock of a  in the pant
A colorless bird regards them from its perch atop
the tiller,
His specialist appears to me in the form of a messenger drone, which hovers in the foyer. [proxy][ first the bad news, ] he is engaging with a world state that does not exist. does this all the while flying.
Up here there are acres of spruce sick with fungus that renders them grows internally but can be seen
Without the prairie, the remaining animals are matted and graly staring. I fantasize]. My mother isn’t bothered Limp little constructs delicate little furnishings of a middling pastural
A petrified brace of quail hang on a nail near a portrait he painted before he lost the ability, an
consider the effect [discolered light] might have on the [ ]
the specialist administers [attends] to my father remotely,
adjusting his bandages with the help of a featureless robot. with rifle unloaded at the bedside,
From the porch, the I scrutinizes the featureless ;
he asks if the neighbor’s new fence does not in fact invite unflattering comparison.
Epenthesis POEM ON PAGE 37
The difficulty of every language as creole,  signals drawn with tongues & teeth
In the grooves of our predatory mouths.
Before we could find any artifact of cultural importance out fell unexploded
missiles, flowers, limbs. Shook from a sieve collecting on the ground.
Words fill us as if issuing from an underground spring
Located in our stomachs
it’s very important that you this image of me playing
Dead in a wasteland landscape world without the radio
Stumbling confused in the murk, A lifetime, establishing meager shelters, Struggling with small snares, Obliterated by missiles describing arcs of perfect detonation. The tireless recreation of prayers, In dead, unknowable languages, Overlooks the widespread revival of traditional ballad forms. A spectacular performance of unsustainable love, In these weird hours populated by minor patrons.
Poem 2:
Struggling to find reasons to continue this endeavor, The numbness permeates the small glass office of our souls. Mirrored by the coiled adder and boreal dieback, In the fringes of the waning world. Images dwell in the cannonball core of dense purple thought, The smooth depression at the skull's base, Overflows with images of the bombardment. The long toil of burdened bodies, In the waning world.
Poem 2:
  1. "Fellow admirers of songbirds pursue a rumor of the songbird/birdsong into marshland."
  1. "Entering and exiting particular trances"
  1. "The mornings for me become progressively glaucous."
  1. "In the congenial warmth of the southern district, the bits of ice melt as if in half resignation."
  1. "Always--I accept the glass of pulp and"
  1. "On an alchemical wind, whistles through."
  1. "In the form of the dove [fix] I will continue watching the enormous extruders here to determine the number of present gods."
  1. "the eroding capital in abandons surrenders to the sublimity of the roiling pacific waters"
  1. "The difficulty of every language as creole, signals drawn with tongues & teeth."
  1. "In the grooves of our predatory mouths."
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